Summertime Project!

You know that story about the cobbler's kids having 
no shoes?  
Well, it's kinda like that in my house.  

My son has no bed or shall I say headboard.  His pillows prop against the wall and for nighttime reading it's no fun.

So on my travels the other day I came upon this headboard, they were practically giving it away.  I love the decorative lattice detail inside the 3 insets and immediately I thought...great spray paint project.  
His room is painted khaki but has navy and red decor so I was thinking navy with red insets but wasn't 100% sold.  

This morning I felt a bit of's now got one coat of charcoal grey.  Of course this means his desk and hutch will need to get painted so it all works but that's how I roll!

Stay tuned for the finished piece!

Hope you are enjoying your summer.


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